2025 Spring Tryouts Info
Come try out for the Northeastern Rock Climbing Team! We are a competitive team that trains and competes at the local, divisional, and national level through USA Climbing’s Collegiate Series.
Tryouts will be scored in a redpoint bouldering format to fill in our roster spots for the Spring semester.
Tryout Date:
Tryouts will be held at Central Rock Gym Fenway on this date:
- Bouldering: Sunday 1/12 (10:00AM - 12:00PM)
Registration Process
Here are the registration instructions. There is a tryout fee of $20. If you make a mistake during registration, or have any questions, please email us at or DM us on Instagram.
- Register for rock climbing on Northeastern DoSportsEasy. This form is involved—please do it in advance of your tryout date.
- Complete a waiver for Central Rock Gym Fenway
- Pay the $20 tryout fee through the Northeastern Club Sports dues portal:
- Navigate to the NEU Club Sports and Activities Payment Site.
- Click “Club Sports” and, on the next page, “Club Sports - Co-ed.”
- Scroll down to “Rock Climbing Dues” and click “View details.”
- Enter in $20.00 and complete the checkout process.
- You will be emailed a receipt of your payment. Please be prepared to show a climbing team E-board member this receipt (as proof of paying the registration fee) at your tryout event.
- Please email your receipt / proof of payment, to our treasurer at
General Info
The climbing team hosts tryouts for the team in the Fall and in the Spring.
In the fall, all 24 of our rosters spots (12 male, 12 female) are open to everybody trying out. Climbers can choose to try out on boulders or on ropes.
In the spring, we host limited tryouts, only to fill the roster spots of teammates who have graduated or are leaving to go on a co-op or dialogue. These tryouts feature exclusively a boulder competition format.
Tryouts FAQ
Q: If I make the team, do I have to join?
A: Absolutely not, although you would love it 🙂
Q: Do I need to know how to belay?
A: Nope!
Q: Can I try out if I’m a grad student?
A: Yes!
Q: I’m not sure if I’ll make it, should I bother trying out?
A: You should definitely try out! It’s a great way to meet other enthusiastic climbers and an awesome opportunity to gain experience on competition-style climbs!
Q: CRG Randolph is a little far and I don’t have a car, what should I do?
A: Fortunately we provide transportation to fall tryouts via the Northeastern Club Sports Vans. When you register for tryouts you are reserving your spot in these vans. We be leaving from Renaissance Garage at 6:00pm on Thursday and Friday, returning around 9:30pm and 11:00am on Saturday, returning around 2:30pm!
Still have questions? Reach out to us via email at or @northeasternclimbing on Instagram!