Northeastern Recreational Climbing

SOTW and Photo Contest

Send of the Week (SOTW)

Share a video of your favorite send with us for a chance to be featured on our Instagram! Anyone who submits a video will also have a chance to win a prize at the end of the semester for sending in the best SOTW.

To participate:

Blooper of the Week (BOTW)

Much like the SOTW, if you share a climbing fail clip with us, you might just be featured on our Instagram as well! You’ll also have a chance to win a prize at the end of the semester for best BOTW.

Photo Contest

If you fancy yourself a photographer, now’s the chance to let people know! Feel free to share any photos you take that are climbing themed for a chance to be featured on our Instagram and for a chance to win a prize at the end of the semester for sending us the best photo!

To participate:

More details to follow!